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Sunday, January 3, 2016

Twin Tuesday: 2016 Goals!

Out with the old, in with the new!!! Here we are starting a new year of adventures, happy thoughts, and positive minds and there isn't anyone I would rather do it with than my teaching bestie Beginnings With Baer!!! Speaking of, what a perfect opportunity to do a Twin Tuesday post!!! After getting out blog and insta schedules set, we talked about what kind of topics we could do, and with it being the first Tuesday of January, what better topic than our Goals for 2016!!!!

I like to think of this as a list of goals rather than resolutions. To me, the word goal gives me motivation, empowerment, and excitement. I am driven to reach that goal, whether personal, professional, etc. because I KNOW I can do it! The first part to setting goals is to make them achievable. I am obviously not going to make a goal that I get married, because let's be real, I am SINGLE AS A PRINGLE! Jokes aside, if the goal isn't attainable, what drive is there to get it done?? So here is a list of SOME of my goals heading into the 2016 year :)

1. Be Organized- MUCH easier said than done! I have made it a goal to keep myself organized and on to of things so I am not at school at 6:30 in the morning until 7 at night! I don't want to spend all my hours after school and on the weekends catching up on things I haven't gotten to. I have made myself a schedule for the work week that I hope keeps me on track and working more efficiently! I also am going to keep two separate planners. One planner will be for work, the other for my social media scheduling. I need to keep to separate planners because I get so cluttered and than lose track of time! I am making it a goal to keep these planners up to date and ORGANIZED!

2. Be ME- I have this problem of liking everything I see on Pinterest or on Insta and immediately think I should try it out. When your try to juggle 100 balls, what is going to happen?! I'll give you a hint *it isn't pretty!!* There is nothing wrong with liking and loving all the things that you see posted, but they aren't all meant for your classroom and especially not all at once. Trying too many new things at once is going to lead to an unsuccessful turnout. I have come to realize that if there is something I am DYING to try, than go for it!!! But liking an idea doesn't mean I have to try it!

3. Social Media- I am making the statement now, SO HOLD ME TO IT, to stick with my posting schedules and be ACTIVE on my social media platforms. It is a goal to post on Instagram EVERY DAY! That may seem like a lot, but one post on instagram really takes about 1-2 minutes! And is even easier when you plan what kind of post you want to do. I want to make sure that I post pictures of all aspects of our learning! I love being able to scroll through my instagram page and look at the progress my kiddos have made and to see their own growth! I mean they were just BABIES a few months ago!! I also need to be WAY more active on this blog! I love writing and expressing myself, but seem to let time slip away and with that time follows my motivation. Well not anymore!!!!! I plan to be posting at least 3 times a week (if not more!) to start with. I want to make sure that I am keeping up with my goals because since starting this blog I have felt so refreshed, so happy, and so reflective!
4. Positive Vibes ONLY- I am going to do my absolute best to steer clear from the negative vibes that float around in a school. I want to keep myself healthy both mind and body, and to do that, I am sticking to happy thoughts and positive mindset! Everyone has a bad day, trust me, I KNOW, but I do not want to dwell in it. I want to stand tall, feel good, and be my best. I want to LAUGH and SMILE. Plain and simple: I want to ENJOY THE DAY!

1. Drink water- If you know me, you know that Diet Dr. Pepper runs through my veins! They say our body is made up of , I would place a bet that mine is filled with the carbonated beverage I so lovingly call "soda"<3 I mean my kiddos know something is up if they don't see a Polar Pop on my desk in the morning!! This year I really need to drink more water! As an avid runner, I have experienced the light-headedness and dizziness that not drinking water can cause, yet I haven't learned. NOT THIS YEAR! I am going to have my morning soda because, well, I don't want to scare my little rays, but after that it is allllll water for this girl! Except for the occasional "get-me-through-the-day-before-my-hair-falls-out soda";)

2. Eat better- Oy vey! The dreaded "New year, new me" thing. For me, eating better isn't necessarily because I eat a lot of bad food, but I have poor eating habits! My family isn't big eaters, so meals are something that aren't important! I rarely eat breakfast, usually snack on some crackers or Goldfish for lunch, and for dinner just eat a baked potato. This year I want to start meal prepping each Sunday. By cooking my food and getting it ready for the week ahead, I am going to be more likely to eat and meet my nutritional needs :)

3. Keep a budget- Lord Almighty can I get an AMEN!!! I mean, if you are a teacher, you know that money doesn't grow on trees! I realized after my first year teaching that there was just no way I could afford to spend as much money as I had spent on my classroom. Likewise, I was spending money material things that I simply didn't need! ear I am ready to keep a strict monthly budget and save myself plenty of money! 

4. Pray more, worry less! I need a shirt that says this. NO JOKE. I cannot thing of a more simple and meaningful phrase to use as a motto for this year. I am very strong in my faith and have found so much peace and happiness in my relationship with God. Through every difficultly in life, He has been there. God will never lead you on a path that he is not on. Remembering that everything happens for a reason brings ease into my thoughts. If you know me, you know I am an anxious person and a very big worrier. I have a tendency to think about the 'what-ifs' and need to remind myself that everything will be okay. By not worrying and placing my trust in the Lord, I am more enlightened, more at peace, and more thankful. Every night before I go to bed, I say my prayers and the last line I say is the same, "Lord, please help me to remember what is truly important in life. Help me want to be who you want me to be." I have never felt more confident in myself than when I am reminded that I am living for Him. I hope that I can continue to grow more Christlike this year.

Happy 2016, my friends! What are some of your goals?! Be sure to head over to Beginnings with Baer to check out her goals :)


  1. I couldn't be happier to take our goals on together!!! Love being your twin and love everything the year ahead of us holds!!!!

  2. I am LOVING this post idea! I am definitely gonna go write a post today or tomorrow about my own goals for 2016. Thanks for the inspiration!

    And girl, no wonder your physique is so awesome! I would die of starvation on your diet! LOL I got on the budget train last year (my second year,) because I also spent WAY too much money my first year. I think it's rookie mistake that we all make. And pray more, worry less is my favorite! Something almost all of us need to focus on!


    Carlee Van Ness
    The Kindergarten Press

    1. Yay!! It was so fun to write out my goals and have something to hold myself accountable! I would love to come back in December and see what worked!

      The budget is a HUGE thing I had to learn, definitely a rookie mistake ;) Love seeing all of your baby updates! Congrats!!

  3. I simply love your plans for this year! I found your blog through the Currently link up and I am your newest follower! Thanks for sharing!
    KinderKids Fun blog

    1. You just put the biggest smile on my face! How exciting to hear! Thank you for reading :)
